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1. Objectives
By the end of the module, learners will be able to:
- Appreciate the importance of applying learning principles to teaching experiences.
- Describe 5 approaches used in contemporary learning and teaching.
- Describe a simple framework to plan effective teaching experiences.
2. Preparation in Advance
Think of a really satisfying learning experience that you have had.
- What was it about the experience that left you feeling satisfied?
- What did the teacher do to make the experience satisfying?
- What did you do to contribute to the learning experience?
- Describe the learning environment. How did it influence the experience?
3. The Module
- 1. History of Learning and Teaching
- 2. Contemporary Approaches to Learning and Teaching
- 3. Simple Framework for Effective Teaching
Review key events by reviewing the timeline below:
On the next tab, you can see theories and models that many currently find to be useful.
Helpful Links
- Competencies and IPE (eLearning)
- Best Teaching Practices (eLearning)
- Teaching in the Medical Setting (journal article)
4. Application of the Module
As you review the other modules on our website, ask yourself: How are learning principles applied in this module?
5. Next Steps and Coaching
6. Summary Points
Great teachers have existed for millennia, and many theories and principles have been developed to describe how learning happens, such as:
- Andragogy
- Mastery learning and deliberate practice
- Reflective practice
- Social cognitivism and social constructivism
- Neurosciences of learning
In any teaching situation, one should consider the following questions:
- Who are my learners?
- What do I want to teach?
- How will I teach my learners?
- How will I know what they have learned?
About the Authors
Module Editor
Joseph Cofrancesco Jr., MD, MPH, FACP
Director of the Institute for Excellence in Education
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Institute for Excellence in Education Professor of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine